Tuesday, December 20, 2011



I was walking out back when a storm front was moving in.  I thought this was a very cool experience...

A windy night while hunting...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Next generation...

Some day these trees will produce more... My hope is someone appreciates them as much as I do...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Just hanging out...

     Meet Gran...  She's one of the original girls that "oversees" the yard and the newbees...  Just sitting in the lawn can stir up some curiosity... 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Egg day...

One of the laying boxes.  I did not make this one.  It was out of an old abandoned coop.
The girls have their own little spots in the coop.
In my coop, some of the ladies like to share the same nest and do rotate spots from week to week.

www.motherearthnews.com/uploadedFiles/Eggs chart.pdf

Gathering eggs is a daily privilege that I look forward to and do so very much enjoy.  Anyone who has chickens and gathers eggs knows this feeling.  I make sure I tell the girls thanks when they follow me into the coop.  It's a cool relationship. 


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Having a purpose

Almost ready to open
Almost there
Cool view
Look at all the bird food!!!  
Mission complete...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Free Range chickens

     Free range chickens...  I wouldn't have it any other way.  Having the ladies roam the yard is heartwarming to me.  Each one has their own "routine and quirks" which all add to their individual personalities.  They all know where the coop is and instinctively return to it every night.  They are welcome to go where ever they want.  Nowhere is off limits.  They do like the garden, the deck, outdoor furniture and the tall grass around the house. "Land mines" are all in the package, but hey... it's great fertilizer!
There is obviously the threat of predation.  I've probably lost about 1/3rd to racoons, dogs, or hawks.  That's been hard, but a it's part of nature's way and I've learned to take a few measures to prevent future incidents.  The door of the coop is always closed except when gathering eggs or cleaning the coop.  I leave a window open year round and the girls fly up to get into it to lay eggs or roost at night.  There are a couple "goof balls" that have their own sleeping spots.

The window that stays open year round.

"Herta" likes to sleep on the window...
"Black Hawk" only sleeps in a tree next to the coop... (Year round!!!)  One tough bird...
Some of the ladies like the window roosts...
Some of the ladies like the top of the laying box...
Gran "the stinker" in the cold frame...
One of this year's "new little shits" checking out the bench I made...
Someone's been on the deck...
Someone's been on the side walk...
Some of the girls scratching in the back of the garden...
 So in a nutshell...  I'm loving the free range philosophy...  Chickens are a blessing...